Tuesday, August 7, 2007

May Day Weight Loss Challenge Weigh-In #13

Today's weigh in: 135.0 lbs

That's up 0.6 from last week, but considering I managed to lose more than 5 lbs last week, I guess I can't complain too much. Frankly, I figured my weight would be up somewhere between five and ten pounds because I went camping over the weekend, and ate the usual camping fare which included hot dogs, chips, potatoes baked in the fire and s'mores.

So the fact that my weight isn't appreciably up makes me happy.

If you aren't a regular reader of my blog and only stop in for the May Day Weight Loss Challenge, I wrote a couple of posts about goal setting this past week that you might want to read. Although these two entries talk about issues I've been having with my truck and travel trailer, each entry also talks about weight loss:

It's hard to believe that it's week 13 of the challenge, and 16 weeks since I started my diet. I'm still finding that I wish I could get things to move along a little more quickly, as I have a friend who has been stationed overseas who will come back in four months. If my friend came back today, I don't think she'd notice I've lost weight. I'd like to look dramatically different, which I'm not sure will happen if things don't start moving a little more quickly.

I've heard that The Cambridge Diet is back and being sold in the United States again. Has anybody tried the new formula?


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I read the other posts, too. Sounds like you have the right attitude! It really is important to be realistic about our goals. I know I'll never be a size two. Don't wanna be. :-) Path to Health

Mom said...

Keep trucking along, it will come off. I don't like the Cambridge diet. Stick to eating good foods and exercise. That's the key. Take care and have a wonderful week!

Denise said...

I think you are doing really good.