Tuesday, August 14, 2007

May Day Weight Loss Challenge Weigh-In #14

This morning's weight: 234.8.

That's down a whole 0.2 lbs from last week. Wow, color me impressed.

Can you detect just the faintest trace of sarcasm here?

I knew you could. Heh.

In truth, I really can't complain much. I just came out of what amounted to an extremely diet-unfriendly weekend, so the fact that I didn't gain any weight is actually pretty good. Our weekend was crammed full of people visiting from out of town, restaurant meals, a birthday party, and a stressful visit to the hospital to visit an elderly extended family member who just had a back-to-back heart attack and stroke.

The weekend was so off-plan that The SO had to ask, "does this mean we are quitting our diet?"

We weren't very active, though we did do a little walking around on Sunday. Not too much, though, because at short walk to a nearby garage on Thursday reminded me that I am allergic to exercise (really!) and I absolutely do not want a repeat case of itchy hives induced by exercise.

Yeah, go figure. I literally break out in hives from exercising. How's that for a dieter's nightmare?

The rest of our week is clear of breakfast, lunch and dinner dates with friends, so it means we'll be able to eat at home. Hopefully, that will push my weight further in the downward direction.


penguinsandladybugs said...

Congrats on a loss in spite of the "off plan" weekend!!! That is pretty incredible!! Have a good week!

john - from fat to fit said...

Down is down! Great job!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Sounds like you are right back on track! That's the key. Path to Health

Dareth said...

Wow. You are doing great. Keep up the hard work.

Mich said...

Down is good, and 15lbs in 14 weeks is still more than a pound a week--slow and steady always wins the race!

Trina and Jophie said...

Yep! Down is definitely good! I think you did great considering the circumstances.

Stay focused and you'll be back on track in no time flat!

Good Luck this week!


Mel said...

I had a pretty bad week too with staying on within my points. I know we can make this week better though...so let's do it!!