Sunday, September 23, 2007

Still Struggling

I'm hanging in here. My scale keeps malfunctioning. My last believable weight was two days ago at 232.2. I can live with that.

One of our pets suddenly died of an undiscovered, but terminal illness. We had a necropsy done, and at least we can take comfort in the fact that there was nothing we could have done for her. Nevertheless, we are heartbroken. I miss her terribly.

The Kid has been acting out in all kinds of difficult and annoying ways. She's been so rotten that even the surviving critters have all found legitimate reasons to nip her, hard. Among other reasons, she's been antagonizing them.

I feel like I am about to implode under all the stress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOO sorry to hear about the loss of your pet. We lost one of our dogs a while back and boy, it was reeeealy hard. My thoughts are with you.

I hope things with the Kid begin to swing in a more positive direction. Take a deep breath and sift through each problem one by one.