Sunday, May 5, 2019

Nine Down

As of this morning, Sunday, I've lost exactly nine pounds.  I started my diet on Monday.

Not too shabby.  Not too shabby at all.  

Of course I realize that next week probably won't be so dramatic.  Usually the first week on a VLCD you lose a ton of weight, which is mostly water.  Still, I'm noticing that my pants aren't quite so snug in the thigh.  And, maybe, it looks like my big fat but is a little bit smaller.

I'm starting to notice some changes in my skin.  With the exception of my arms, which are almost always dry, everything else seems a little softer and maybe a bit oilier.  When I pointed that change out to The Boyfriend, he agreed that he could feel the change, too.

Now, here's a bit of TMI...

My boyfriend and I have a very busy sex life, but we don't often do The Deed.  We do other things, but The Deed (think peg in hole, here) isn't something that happens very often.  On the occasions that we do The Deed, we do it ride 'em cowgirl style, because he's got a bad back, and he likes being able to relax and enjoy his experience.

So we did The Deed this morning.  We hadn't done in in a while because a few months back I injured my shoulder and pushups have been painful.  My shoulder has been better recently, so we thought we'd give it a try.  Since I started the VLCD, I've been more interested in sexy time.

Ride 'em cowgirl was a lot easier and a lot less awkward for me.  It made us both happy, and it started The Boyfriend's day with a smile.

That's always a good thing.

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