Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Starting Over

I'm starting over.


It has been a long time since I've posted.  The Ex is gone.  The new boyfriend, who is no longer new, is still here.

I've put on a ton of weight since I was at my lowest.  On Monday, I weighed 250.9.  It's been gradual, just a bit by bit, until I finally realized that I've once again fat and I need to do something about it.  I think it's a combination of menopause and an extremely stressful job that keeps me on call 24/7/365.

Boyfriend says he doesn't mind, but I don't like how I feel.  I'm to the point where I don't feel comfortable in my own skin.  While I've "only" popped up one pant size since my lowest, I feel uncomfortable.  The other day when I was scrubbing the shower floor, I realized how hard it was to reach the floor.

When I go camping, it's hard to move gear around.  While I have been walking for about an hour on mornings, when it's above 40°F and not raining, it's not making much of a difference in my weight.

It's time to fix this.

This time around, I'm trying a new VLCD.  I don't have the patience for Weight Watchers, where I starve for weeks at a time, while everyone around me eats delicious food, only to discover I've lost half a pound.

Fuck that.

So, it's back to three meal replacement shakes a day.  We'll see how it all works out.  I'll let you know.